Mindfulness Based Yoga Therapy

(Re)connect with yourSelf

Whether you’re an experienced yogi or never meditated before, Mindfulness Based Yoga Therapy, offers individual and group mindfulness programs to help navigate chronic unhappiness, overwhelm, pain and stress.

Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy

MBCT is a small group program that offers mindfulness practices along side of principles of cognitive therapy to help learn a new way to navigate challenging mood states, including depression and anxiety. ​Through 8 sessions with a small group of others navigating similiar challenges, you'll find others who are learning how to navigate the challenges and joy that the present moment offers.  Learn how to respond to situations in your life with compassion, kindness and curiosity. 

I’m so glad you’re here!

I have been practicing yoga and mindfulness for over 20 years. I spent a year thinking about going to a yoga class before I went to my first one. It was the first time I truly felt the presence of my body. As I learned more about the practice, I found that the emotional and mental benefits were as great as the physical. This led me to explore meditation and mindfulness, more than just the physical practice of yoga asana. I've studied with yoga and mindfulness teachers from many different backgrounds (find out a little more here) and found Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy introduces mindfulness in the most accessible way with particular focus for those struggling with depression, anxiety and trauma. This is one of the foundational practices I use for both my own healing and the support I've offered hundreds of clients.  I'd love to have you join us in our next sangha, or mindfulness community. Reach out for our next upcoming group! I look forward to meeting you!

Rachel Block-Stewart, C-IAYT , Mindfulness Teacher, Owner

Mindfulness Based Yoga Therapy and Rachel Block-Stewart, C-IAYT Mindfulness Teacher does not diagnose or treat any illness, disease, or any other physical or mental disorder. The services provided by Mindfulness Based Yoga Therapy and Rachel Block-Stewart, C-IAYT Mindfulness Teacher are not psychotherapy services. The information provided on this site does not and should not be used as a replacement for professional medical advice given by doctors and health care professionals in your state. Rachel Block-Stewart is not dispensing advice, diagnoses, or prescriptions, either directly or indirectly. The information provided is for educational purposes only and to give general information about various options for wellness. Clients are directed to follow the directives of their licensed health care provider before, during, and after embarking on programs. Rachel Block-Stewart makes no warranties with respect to the information provided through this site. Testimonials do not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or prediction.